( ↑ This is a pun, not a promise that you won't fall asleep)
What's Going To Happen
What is Technical Debt?
What effects does it have?
How to recognize it
How to avoid it
When should you eliminate it?
What Is Technical Debt?
“work that needs to be done before a particular job can be considered complete or proper”
“a concept in programming that reflects the extra development work that arises when code that is easy to implement in the short run is used instead of applying the best overall solution”
“a debt that you incur everytime you avoid doing the right thing (like refactoring, removing duplication/redundancy) letting the code quality deteriorate over time”
“if you cut corners in the short-term, you’re basically borrowing against the future maintainability of the software and that at some point, not unlike a credit card”
What Is Technical Debt?
“Code design that negatively affects the amount of effort it would take to implement a new feature.”
Me - Just now
Explaining The Metaphor
The 'debt' metaphor is appropriate because technical debt behaves like monetary debt; the longer you leave technical debt around, the more engineering effort is needed to pay it back.
Your original debt incurs interest and needs more money to pay the whole debt off.
A few appropriate lessons can be extended from the metaphor:
Paying off a debt earlier is cheaper
It's preferable to not be in debt
.... but sometimes it is a good business decision to incur debt for a specific purpose
What effects does it have?
Increases likelyhood of bugs being introduced
Slows down development
Encourages sloppyness
Demotivates developers
Makes it harder for new starters to understand the code, clean code is clear code
Can generate bad feeling between teams working on the same code-base
How to recognize it?
Coding a feature takes alot longer than expected
Intuitive 'feeling' or knowing that a feature could be coded a lot faster if the code was designed in a different way
People groan when they have to change a certain source file
How to recognize it?
if (thing === "some string") {
} else {
expanding to
if (thing === "some string") {
} else if (thing === "some other string") {
} else {
How to avoid it?
Look ahead
Code reviews
Pair programming
Care about it
When should you deal with it?
Try to avoid it in the first place! (some will creep in anyway)
"If we all checked-in our code a little cleaner than when we checked it out, the code simply could not rot" - Robert C. Martin (Clean Code)
Create separate Technical Debt tasks (JIRA has them in a separate category, like Story, Bug etc)
The Definition(s) of Done
What's Going To Happen
What is a Definition of Done?
Things that tend to be on one
How does it help?
How to make one
When to change it
What is a Definition of Done?
Firstly, you can have a Definition of Done for various levels:
Release to Staging
Release to Live
What is a Definition of Done?
A list of things which must be completed for a Story (Sprint, Release etc) to be considered absolutely finished.
Things that tend to be on one (for a Story)
Unit tested
Integration tested
System tested
Design approved
Code reviewed
Technical Debt free
Things that tend to be on one (for a Release)
Performance tested
Full security tested
Disaster recovery tested
Documentation written
User guide written
An example
Has the story been reviewed by another developer?
Have UI changes been reviewed by the designer?
Has story been reviewed by PO?
Can the story be demonstrated?
Have the security and privacy implications of the change been assessed and noted down in the security overview?
Have you considered the effect of any migrations you have written on pre-existing code using the data before the migration?
Has the story been tested by a QA Engineer?
Has all new text in the app been translated into all supported languages
How does it help?
Gives a defined, shared understanding of whether a story is done
Makes it clear what is left to do
Stops there being "hidden" work
A statement of intent for the team and what they value
Removes the need for "hardening" sprints
Shows you where speed ups can occur
Makes it clear what PO can and can't expect from a story
How to make one
Look online for examples to get you started or refer to the one shown earlier.
Involve the whole team.
How to make one
What about multiple teams?
Shared helps but need team to agree
When to change it
Should be kept up-to-date, retrospectives are a good place to get feedback on it.
But you do want it to settle
Definition of Ready
Technical Debt
Developers - Incurring debt can be a sensible business decision
Product Owners - Paying off your debt will allow you to get more features done, faster
Definition of Done
Important to note what is NOT in the Definiton of Done but has been thought of
Can really set the tone of what standards are expected in Engineering